Saturday, November 17, 2007

Budget for November 16th

So, here's my budget for this week:

Currently: $419.76

To Pay:

  • $80 Groceries

  • $40 Gas

  • $35 Lane Bryant

  • $116 Air Tran CC

  • $100 Water

  • $41.53 Storage

Balance: $7.23

This week, I will work to meet payout on CashCrate, TreasureTrooper, FairyTaleTreasure, and Hits4Pay. That will be a minimum of $65, which I will use to pay on my Medical Bill. I hope to have that bill paid off by January 1st.

Monday, November 12, 2007

I'm SO Excited!!

I purchased the Mint Jobs program a couple of months ago, but really didn't do much with it until recently. I have been reading all of the information I got with the program, and I have learned so much!! Tonight I got an e-mail saying I had a sale!! The second one I've had so far. At $34.95 commission per sale, I have made more money than I spent, plus learned a wealth of information. I'm so happy!!

Trying to Get Organized

I have really been all over the place on this blog. I am really going to try to get focused in this next week, and try to get this blog organized. My Plan is to post daily, and stick to the subject at hand: My debt, and what I'm doing to eliminate it. I will be posting a daily account of Beginning Balance, money spend, and money earned. Then I'll try to make any other postings and reviews be back links, or something. So, please, do come back and check out my new format. I will have it done by the end of the week. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Reading and Learning

I didn't want you all to think I fell off the face of the earth. I have been reading and learning. I spend every available minute on the internet, trying to learn all I can. I have gotten an immense amount of help and suggestions from the wonerful people of I have been given numerous tips and sites to visit. So, that is where I'm focusing my energies, right now. So, when I weed through all the junk, and find out what works best, i.e., what pays the most with the least amount of effort and time spent on the computer, I can share it with you. I am doing the legwork, so you don't have to! Please, drop me a line and say hello, or feel free to leave a comment or suggestion, as well. I'll be updating my budget info either Friday, or over the weekend. I am making some money, though. Little by little, I am seeing results of all my hard work!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Check Out My Lens

Check out my new Squidoo lens! It details my favorite beach in Florida.

Please Don't Go!

Please, I need your help. I am desperately trying to supplement my income by my online activity, and I need your help. It would help me out if you could just spend a couple of minutes here, reading my posts, checking out my links, or even registering at some of my suggested sites. I SOOO very much appreciate any help you can give. Without you, this will never work. Thanks so much!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

In the Hole

I am really in the hole right now. I am $276.46 in the negative, as soon as I send out a check that must go out. I'm so totally stressed. But I know it will work out, somehow. I just need to figure out where I can get about $300 in a hurry, until Hubby gets paid next week. Uggghhh!!!! I am so SICK of being in debt!! I will continue to work hard online, and try to get us out of this mess!!