Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I really like using Treasure Trooper. My first check with them was $63. I like the setup of the site. It's fun, beacause every time you complete an offer, you get a bonus game, where you can win pearls. The pearls will be added to your account once the offers approve, and you can use the pearls to buy referrals.

Also, with every offer, not only do you earn cash, but you get gold coins, which will be added to your account when the offer approves. The coins can be used to purchase various things, such as pieces to a map, or journal pages, mouse pads, etc.

There are several mini games within the site that make it fun. There is a treasure hunt, with many different elements, which I enjoy.

The offers are basically the same as CashCrate. Go to Cash Offers, Select 100% Free, and sort by popularity. On both sites, there are offers you can do to earn more money, but they usually cost you something, so I never do them.

Treasure Trooper also has a referral program similar to CashCrate, and their site, too, is easily navigated. Feel Free to ask any questions you may have.

If you decide to check them out, I would appreciate it if you would use my link. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

i noticed that your highest earning project is mintjobs. Is it worth the price can you make what they say? do you have to have a pc or can you use a mac? thanx for the help I signed up for cash thing thrugh your link. Im a student trying to make some money so if you could give me some advice it would be great thanx my e mail is

StaCar Gifts said...

I paid $47 for Mint Jobs, and I have made $34.95 with them so far. However, I am not very knowlegable about how things work on the internet, yet, so the information they provided has far exceeded what I paid. I'm sure once I learn how to market it, it will really take off. I'll keep you posted.

Unknown said...


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